Academic Guides: Student Awards: Student Awards (2024)

In order to recognize our students for their academic performance, leadership, and social change contribution, we have opened up an Academic Performance, Citizenship, and Leadership ExcellenceAward to be presented biannually during graduation weekend. The Academic Performance award is open to undergraduate students, the Citizenship Award is open to master's students and the Leadership Excellence Award is open to doctoral students.

2022Summer Award Winners

College Winners

Academic Performance: Ramona Banks, College of Health Sciences and Public Policy. This award recognizes excellence in academic performance as an undergraduate student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind. Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating undergraduate student for excellence in scholarship.

Academic Performance: Sandra Boyo Wujum, College of Management and Human Potential. This award recognizes excellence in academic performance as an undergraduate student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind. Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating undergraduate student for excellence in scholarship.

Academic Performance: Brian Lloyd, College of Social and Behavioral Health. This award recognizes excellence in academic performance as an undergraduate student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind. Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating undergraduate student for excellence in scholarship.

Academic Performance: Maria Peterson, College of Psychology and Community Services. This award recognizes excellence in academic performance as an undergraduate student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind. Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating undergraduate student for excellence in scholarship.

Academic Performance: Rebecca Vanwilpe, The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Human Sciences. This award recognizes excellence in academic performance as an undergraduate student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind. Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating undergraduate student for excellence in scholarship.

Citizenship: Amy Bun, College of Nursing. This award recognizes excellence in scholarship and service as a master’s student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind. Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating master’s student for excellence in citizenship contributions that have impacted positive social change in their community during his or her graduate program.

Citizenship: Cary Chase, The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Human Sciences. This award recognizes excellence in scholarship and service as a master’s student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind. Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating master’s student for excellence in citizenship contributions that have impacted positive social change in their community during his or her graduate program.

Citizenship: Jennifer DeWitt, College of Management and Human Potential. This award recognizes excellence in scholarship and service as a master’s student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind.Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating master’s student for excellence in citizenship contributions that have impacted positive social change in their community during his or her graduate program.

Citizenship: Monica McMillan, College of Psychology and Community Services. This award recognizes excellence in scholarship and service as a master’s student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind. Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating master’s student for excellence in citizenship contributions that have impacted positive social change in their community during his or her graduate program.

Citizenship: Chima Onwuka, College of Social and Behavioral Health. This award recognizes excellence in scholarship and service as a master’s student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind. Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating master’s student for excellence in citizenship contributions that have impacted positive social change in their community during his or her graduate program.

Citizenship: Gurpreet Sandhu, College of Health Sciences and Public Policy. This award recognizes excellence in scholarship and service as a master’s student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind.Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating master’s student for excellence in citizenship contributions that have impacted positive social change in their community during his or her graduate program.

Leadership Excellence: Charity Adams, College of Management and Human Potential.This award recognizes doctoral student excellence as a leader who embodies the ideals expressed in the Walden University Mission. Presented for Distinguished Leadership, Scholarship, and Mentorship honoring a graduating doctoral student for leadership contributions that have increased in breadth and depth to the Walden University communities during his or her doctoral program.

Leadership Excellence: DaJaneil McCree, The Richard W. Riley College of Education and Human Sciences.This award recognizes doctoral student excellence as a leader who embodies the ideals expressed in the Walden University Mission. Presented for Distinguished Leadership, Scholarship, and Mentorship honoring a graduating doctoral student for leadership contributions that have increased in breadth and depth to the Walden University communities during his or her doctoral program.

Leadership Excellence: Jessica Ziegler, College of Psychology and Community Services.This award recognizes doctoral student excellence as a leader who embodies the ideals expressed in the Walden University Mission. Presented for Distinguished Leadership, Scholarship, and Mentorship honoring a graduating doctoral student for leadership contributions that have increased in breadth and depth to the Walden University communities during his or her doctoral program.

Overall Winners

Academic Performance: Sandra Boyo Wujum, College of Management and Human Potential. This award recognizes excellence in academic performance as an undergraduate student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind. Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating undergraduate student for excellence in scholarship.

Citizenship: Chima Onwuka, College of Social and Behavioral Health. This award recognizes excellence in scholarship and service as a master’s student who embodies the ideals expressed in Walden University’s core values and a commitment to serving humankind. Presented for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Citizenship honoring a graduating master’s student for excellence in citizenship contributions that have impacted positive social change in their community during his or her graduate program.

Leadership Excellence:Charity Adams, College of Management and Human Potential.This award recognizes doctoral student excellence as a leader who embodies the ideals expressed in the Walden University Mission. Presented for Distinguished Leadership, Scholarship, and Mentorship honoring a graduating doctoral student for leadership contributions that have increased in breadth and depth to the Walden University communities during his or her doctoral program.

Academic Guides: Student Awards: Student Awards (2024)
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