Four-Leaf Clover Quotes (2024)

The Quote Garden ™I dig old books. ™Est. 1998


Quotations about
Four-Leaf Clovers

If a man who cannot count finds a four-leaf clover, is he lucky? ~Stanisław Jerzy Lec (1909–1966) [In the 1962 English translation by Jacek Gałązka of Unkempt Thoughts from the Polish, here's the actual wording: "is he entitled to happiness?" –tg]

Ilse and I hunted all over the old orchard

to-day for a four-leaved clover and couldn't find one. Then I found one in a clump of clover by the dairy steps to-night when I was straining the milk and never thinking of clovers. Cousin Jimmy says that is the way luck always comes, and it is no use to look for it. ~L.M. Montgomery, Emily of New Moon, 1923

One leaf is for hope, and one is for faith,
And one is for love, you know,
And God put another one in for luck —
If you search you will find where they grow.
~Ella Higginson (1861–1940), "Four-Leaf Clover"

O little four-leaf clover
With leaves of emerald hue,
I'd roam the wide fields over
To get a glimpse of you.
More sought than any flower
That grows in field or dell,
Luck upon thy leaves has power,
Fate has bound thee with a spell.
~Mary D. McIntosh (b.1867), "The Four-Leaf Clover"

I'll seek a four-leaved shamrock in all the fairy dells,
And if I find the charmed leaves, oh, how I'll weave my spells!
I would not waste my magic might on diamond, pearl, or gold,
For treasure tires the weary sense,—such triumph is but cold;
But I would play th' enchanter's part, in casting bliss around,—
Oh! not a tear, nor aching heart, should in the world be found...
~Samuel Lover, "The Four-Leaved Shamrock," Songs and Ballads, 1839

A good friend is like a four-leaf clover — hard to find and lucky to have. ~Author unknown

Oh, four-leaf clover, ha! ha! ha!
I've hunted near, I've hunted far,
And now I've found you, tell me true
What luck will come to me thro' you?
~Mary D. Brine, "The Four Leaf Clover Song," 1884

Oh! little four-leaf clover,
I will believe in you;
Let those who will be scornful—
I know you've told me true.
~Bertha J. Sherwood, "Four-Leaf Clover," Detroit Free Press, 1888

The queen of the fairies walked in the meadows in the early morning. She threw herself down upon the soft, green dew-sparkled grasses and took a nap. She dreamed of four-leaved clover, its shadow marking the fairies' resting place. When she awoke, she saw that it was just a bed of everyday three-leaved clover that the cattle loved to bite. Plucking a leaf, she pulled off one of its leaflets and placed it on another stem, making a four-leaf clover, and she healed the new leaf fast with a kiss. "Grow, my clover, and bear more four leaves; for your shadow marks the spot where a fairy has slept." ~May H. Horton, "The Four-Leaved Clover," 1894

[a little altered –tg]

In four out of every five watches brought us to be regulated, repaired, or cleaned, we find some token. Sometimes it is a bit of ribbon or lock of hair, or a rose petal. But oftener it's a four-leaf clover. The four-leaf clover is a love-token always. It is by the maiden fair given to her lover, who tenderly stows it away in the back of his watch-case. ~Jewelers' Weekly, 1887

A little four-leaf clover
That by the wayside grew,
She stooping plucked and fastened
Within her dainty shoe...
~Mary D. McIntosh (b.1867), "The Four-Leaf Clover"

Down among the orchard-grass,
A happy, careless rover,
The pretty little girl
Goes hunting four-leaf clover...
~Jennie E.T. Dowe, "Four-Leaf Clover," 1879

[a little altered –tg]

They say there's a charm in the four-leaf clover
And so I will search the whole field over;
Over the fragrant grass bent low,
To see if the prize hid there, or no.
~Mary D. Brine, "The Four-Leaf Clover," 1874

[a little altered –tg]

Oh, four leaf clover, ha! ha! ha!
I think a little fraud you are,
But whether false or whether true,
It's only fun to hunt for you.
~Mary D. Brine, "The Four Leaf Clover Song," 1884

Lounging upon the emerald green
Whose slope the trees of the forest screen,
A family group are searching over
The triune leaves for the four-leaf clover...
A bird droppeth down from its perch on high,
A butterfly aimlessly floateth by:
They too in the green and drifting over
Seem counting the leaves for four-leaf clover.
Like rarest beauties of heart and of mind,
So rare things in nature we seek to find—
Ah, loveliest spot the gaze may cover,
That vine-sheltered knoll of sweet white clover.
~Emily Thornton Charles (Emily Hawthorne), "Hunting the Four-Leaf Clover," 1886

Polly fell to looking for four-leaf clovers so industriously that Mary soon slipped from her seat to vie with her. "Here's a five-leaf," cried Mary. "But I found a seven-leaf yesterday," said Polly, triumphantly. It was a famous white clover patch, this one under Polly's swing. Nowhere else could you find so many "many-leafed" clovers in ten minutes as here. ~Avis Gordon, "The Forbidden Apple," 1905

[a little altered –tg]

The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because, when opportunity knocks, they are out looking for four-leaf clovers. ~Walter P. Chrysler

Spencer: I'm looking for a four-leaf clover so I can be lucky.
God: Why don't you just staple a leaf onto a three-leaf clover?
Spencer: You're saying I should cheat?
God: No. I'm saying in this world, you have to make your own luck.
~Tommy Blaze, "Over the Four-Leaf Clover," Knocking on Heaven's Door, 2014,

Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck. ~Author unknown

Warped wise man says: "If you iron a four-leaf clover, you press your luck." ~Joke submitted to Boys' Life, 1987, by Wayne Rich

What do you get if you cross poison ivy with a four-leaf clover? You get a rash of good luck. ~Laughs, Hoots & Giggles by Joseph Rosenbloom, 1984

Besides, the shamrock is a religious symbol. Saint Patrick said the leaves represented the trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. That's why four-leaf clovers are so lucky — you get a bonus Jesus. ~Stephen Colbert, "Ireland's Shamrock Shortage," The Colbert Report, 2010


published 2006 Feb 10
revised 2018 Feb 21
last saved 2023 Aug 15

Four-Leaf Clover Quotes (2024)


What is the quote about 4 leaf clovers? ›

A good friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.” To create a fun collage using this Irish Proverb, we focused on bold font pairings to highlight certain words in the quote.

What does a four-leaf clover symbolize? ›

The leaves of four-leaf clovers are said to stand for faith, hope, love, and luck. It's often said that Ireland is home to more four-leaf clovers than any other place, giving meaning to the phrase “the luck of the Irish.”

What is an inspirational quote about clover? ›

Clover Quotes
  • To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. ...
  • Now I believe that lovers should be draped in flowers and laid entwined together on a bed of clover and left there to sleep, left there to dream of their happiness.

What is the Irish saying about the four-leaf clover? ›

"A good friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have." — Irish Proverb.

What does the Bible say about 4 leaf clovers? ›

According to biblical symbolism, the four leaves of a clover represent faith, hope, love, and luck. These virtues hold great importance in Christianity as they align with the teachings of the Bible. The book of 1 Corinthians 13:13 states, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love.

What is the four-leaf clover slang? ›

A four leaf clover is one good luck, and A five leaf clover is exponentially lucky. We'll say 10 luck.

What does 🍀 mean in text? ›

The four-leaf clover emoji features a clover with four heart shaped leaves. The four-leaf clover is a symbol of luck, so use it to wish good luck to your friends and family members. You can also use this emoji in the context of nature, plants, Ireland, and St Patrick's day.

What is another word for a four-leaf clover? ›

The four-leafed clover, or “lucky clover”, is an uncommon variation of the three-leafed clover, and widely considered to be a symbol of good luck. Because they are a mutation, they are rare, and not found in the same abundance as the shamrock, and thus, considered lucky.

What does each leaf mean in 🍀? ›

The story very clearly explains how the first three leaves of a clover are love, hope and integrity. The fourth leaf is luck and the fifth is the devil.

What is the proverb of clover? ›

A Good Friend is Like A Four Leaf Clover, Hard to find and Lucky to Have. - Irish Proverb Colored Magnet.

What is the four-leaf clover quote on Instagram? ›

Friends are like four-leaf clovers: hard to find, but lucky to have. May your troubles be few and your friends Irish.

What is the saying in clover? ›

Prosperous, living well. For example, After we make our first million, we'll be in clover . This expression alludes to cattle happily feeding on clover. Slightly different versions are like pigs in clover and rolling in clover . [

What is the spiritual meaning of the four-leaf clover? ›

Whether worn as a charm, displayed in homes, or sought after in fields and meadows, the four-leaf clover remains a beloved emblem of hope, faith, love, and luck, connecting us to our past and to each other through shared traditions and beliefs.

What does this is my four-leaf clover mean? ›

In fact, the four-leaved clover has been deeply rooted in mythology and symbolism throughout history. Some cultures believed that each of the leaves represents something, such as faith, hope, love, and luck. Others saw it as a symbol of protection against evil spirits.

What is the spiritual meaning of the shamrock? ›

According to Christian beliefs, Saint Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to Irish Christian converts. He used each leaf to represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three leaves of the shamrock are also said to stand for faith, hope, and love.

What is the four-leaf clover quote for friend? ›

A Good Friend is Like A Four Leaf Clover, Hard to find and Lucky to Have.

What does a clover mean with 4 leaves? ›

The four-leaf clover is a rare variation of the common three-leaf clover that has four leaflets instead of three. According to traditional sayings, such clovers bring good luck, although it is not clear when or how this idea began.

What is the belief of the four-leaf clover? ›

According to the legend, the leaves of a four-leaf clover represent hope, faith, love, and a fourth for good luck. A common belief during the Middle Ages was if someone carried a four-leaf clover, they would have the ability to see fairies.

What is the folklore of 4 leaf clovers? ›

The belief in the luckiness of the four-leaved clover can be traced back to ancient Druids who believed that it had mystical powers and could ward off evil spirits. As Christianity swept through Ireland, the clover became associated with the Holy Trinity and became a symbol of good luck.

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