Suffix Spelling Rules: 6 Keys for Adding Suffixes Correctly (2024)

Suffix Spelling Rules: 6 Keys for Adding Suffixes Correctly (1)

    Happy Woman on Laptop Illustration With Suffix Spelling Rules


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Suffixes are important elements of the English language. They are used to make new words and give base words different meanings. There are vowel suffixes and consonant suffixes. Vowel suffixes include endings such as -ed, -er, -es, -end, and -ing. Consonant suffixes include endings such as -s, -less, -ness, -ment, and -ly. Adding suffixes to words can be tricky to learn and master, but learning six basic suffix spelling rules will help you know how to use suffixes correctly. Keep in mind that there are some exceptions to each of the suffix rules.

Rule 1: Double the Consonant

Adding suffixes to some base words that end with a consonant requires doubling the last letter, but only in certain situations.

Short Vowel and One Consonant

When a word ends in a short vowel sound followed by a single consonant, the last letter of the word will need to be doubled before the suffix is added.

  • fat + -er = Fatter
  • flip + -ed = flipped
  • mud + -y = muddy
  • shop + -ed = shopped
  • swim + -ing = swimming

Multiple Syllables and L at the End

When a word has more than one syllable and ends with the letter "l," you will need to double the "l" when adding the suffix.

  • cancel + -ed = cancelled
  • control + -ed = controlled
  • propel + -er = propeller
  • compel + -ing = compelling
  • fulfil + -ment = fulfillment

Exceptions to the Doubling Rule

The doubling rule does not apply to words that end in "w," "x" or "y."

Rule 2: Drop the Silent E

The rule for dropping the final silent "e" in a word is based on whether the first letter of the suffix is a vowel or consonant.

Silent E and Vowel Suffix

When a word ends in a silent letter "e" and you are adding a suffix that begins with a vowel, then drop the final "e."

  • drive + -ing = driving
  • hope + -ing = hoping
  • make + -er = maker
  • adore + -able = adorable
  • use + -er = user


Silent E Exception

There are a few words that meet the criteria for dropping the silent "e" with a vowel suffix, but with which the "e" has to be kept.

  • like + -able = likeable
  • size + -able = sizeable

Rule 3: Keep the Final E

There are a few situations in which the final "e" stays with a word when adding a suffix.

Base Words Ending in CE or GE

When the base word ends in the letters "ce" or "ge" and the suffix begins with the letters "a" or "o," the final "e" should stay.

  • advantage + -ous = advantageous
  • change + -able = changeable
  • courage + -ous = courageous
  • service + -able = serviceable
  • notice + -able = noticeable

Base Words Ending in EE or YE

You will also need to keep the "e" at the end of the word if it ends in "ee" or "ye."

  • agree + -ing = agreeing
  • decree + -ing = decreeing
  • eye + -ing = eyeing
  • foresee + -ing = foreseeing
  • see + -ing = seeing


Adding the Suffix -ly

Remember to keep the "e" if using the suffix -ly.

  • late + -ly = lately
  • rare + -ly = rarely
  • love + -ly = lovely
  • home + -ly = homely
  • definite + -ly = definitely

Adding the Suffix -ful

When you add the suffix -ful to a word that ends with an "e," keep the "e."

  • care + -ful = careful
  • use + -ful = useful
  • peace + -ful = peaceful

Rule 4: Keep the Y

There are a few scenarios that require keeping the "y" at the end of a word when adding a suffix.

Base Words Ending in a Vowel Then Y

When a word ends with "y" and has a vowel before the "y," then keep the "y" when adding a suffix.

  • enjoy + -ed = enjoyed
  • play + -ing = playing
  • buy + -er = buyer
  • joy + -ful = joyful

Adding a Suffix That Starts With I

Another time to keep the "y" is if the suffix starts with the letter "i." Remember that a word cannot have two i's in a row.

  • worry + -ing = worrying
  • copy + -ing = copying
  • carry + -ing = carrying
  • supply + -ing = supplying
  • marry + -ing = marrying


Rule 5: Change the Y to an I

There are times that the "y" at the end of the word has to be changed to an "i" in order to add a suffix.

Base Words Ending With a Consonant Then Y

When the word has a consonant before the "y" at the end, you will need to change the "y" to "i" before adding the suffix.

  • beauty + -ful = beautiful
  • duty + -ful = dutiful
  • happy + -ness = happiness

Exceptions to the Y to I Rule

Not surprisingly, there are some exceptions to this rule.

  • dry + -er = dryer
  • baby + -hood = babyhood
  • lady + -ship = ladyship

Rule 6: Change IE to Y

When a word ends in "ie," change the ending to "y" when you add the suffix -ing.

  • die + -ing = dying
  • tie + -ing = tying
  • untie + -ing = untying
  • lie + -ing = lying
  • vie + -ing = vying

Expand Your Vocabulary

It may seem hard to master these suffixes rules at first. There is a lot to remember, but the effort is worth it. Knowing the suffix rules will open up your vocabulary to endless expressions of thoughts and emotions. Once you understand the suffix spelling rules, the language possibilities are endless. After you get comfortable with suffixes, focus your attention on how to use prefixes. Then, reinforce your knowledge and build your skills with real practice using base words, prefixes and suffixes.

Suffix Spelling Rules: 6 Keys for Adding Suffixes Correctly (2024)


Suffix Spelling Rules: 6 Keys for Adding Suffixes Correctly? ›

There are three general rules for suffixes. First, double the final consonant if the vowel sound is short. Double the consonant if the original word is two syllables long and ends with a vowel before a consonant. Finally, if the suffix starts with a vowel and the base word has a silent "e" at the end, drop the "e."

What are the 6 most important spelling rules? ›

  • Use i before e except after c. Generally, you write ie (fierce, pierce, believe) unless followed by a c (receive, ceiling). ...
  • Change the y to an i before adding suffixes beginning with e. ...
  • The silent e. ...
  • Add es after s, z, sh, ch, or x. ...
  • Double Consonants.

What are the rules for spelling suffixes? ›

There are three general rules for suffixes. First, double the final consonant if the vowel sound is short. Double the consonant if the original word is two syllables long and ends with a vowel before a consonant. Finally, if the suffix starts with a vowel and the base word has a silent "e" at the end, drop the "e."

What is the correct way to add suffix? ›

Rule 1 - For words ending in two consonants, just add the suffix to the root word. Rule 2 - For words that end in a short vowel sound followed by a consonant, you need to double the last letter then add the suffix.

What is the rule of adding suffix full? ›

Adding 'ful'

When you change a noun into an adjective you often add a suffix. A noun is a word to name an object or idea and an adjective describes a noun. For example, sometimes you drop the letter 'y' and add an 'i' to the suffix 'ful': beauty can become beautiful.

What is spelling rule 6? ›

Rule 6: When a one-syllable word ends in a single-vowel Y, it always says /ī/. 7.1: Y says /ē/ only in an unstressed syllable at the end of a multi-syllable word.

What are the rules for adding prefixes and suffixes? ›

A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word that changes the word's meaning. A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word that changes the word's meaning. Learning the meanings of prefixes and suffixes will help expand your vocabulary, which will help improve your writing.

What is the doubling rule for adding suffixes? ›

RULE: When a word ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel and the word is one syllable or accented on the last syllable, then double the final consonant when adding a vowel suffix.

What is the good suffix rule? ›

Good suffix rule:

Let t be the substring of T that matched a suffix of P. Skip alignments until (a) t matches opposite characters in P, or (b) a prefix of P matches a suffix of t, or (c) P moves past t, whichever happens first.

What are proper suffixes? ›

A Proper Suffix is obtained by removing zero or more characters from the beginning of the string. The empty string and the original string itself are not considered as proper prefixes or suffixes.

What are the rules for adding suffix less? ›

The suffix -less can be added to a root word to change a verb into an adjective. If the root word ends in a y change it to an i, then add the suffix -less. The suffix -ly can be added to a root word to make an adverb. If the root word ends in a y change it to an i, then add the suffix -ly.

What is the change rule for suffixes? ›

The gist of it is this: If the word ends in a <y>, change the <y> to an <i>, and then add on the suffix. While the dropping and doubling rules only apply to vowel suffixes, the change rule applies to all suffixes: vowel and consonant. Let's try it out on a few sample words: sticky + er = stickier.

What is the final E rule for suffixes? ›

The final e is usually dropped before a suffix beginning with a vowel. Some words, however, can either drop or retain their final e before a suffix beginning with a vowel (the preferred spelling in Canada is the one listed first in the list below): age, aging, ageing. like, likeable, likable.

What is the rule for adding suffix est? ›

When comparing two things, the suffix -er is used to form a comparative. If more than two things are compared, we add the suffix -est to create a superlative. My sister is taller than me but my brother is the tallest. I can jump higher than you.

Which are the 6 basic phonetic rules? ›

Six Simple Phonics Rules
  • Closed.
  • Open.
  • Silent e.
  • Bossy R.
  • Two Vowel Talkers/ Two Vowel Whiners.
  • Consonant + le.
Jan 17, 2017

What are the 5 basic spelling rules? ›

5 Spelling Rules to Know
  • I Before E, Except After C.
  • I before E.
  • Except after C.
  • Unless it sounds like A.
  • The silent e.
  • Double consonants.
  • Plural suffixes.

What are the six basic syllable spelling patterns? ›

However, most English language words can be broken down into smaller parts, making these words easier to read. There are six syllable types that make this possible: closed, open, silent e, vowel pair, r-controlled, and final stable syllable. Every word has at least one vowel.

What is the 7 letter spelling rule? ›

The 7 Letter Spelling Rule – The Vowel ы

The hard vowel ы can never follow the velar letters г к х or the silabents ж ч ш щ. Instead, you'll use the vowel и. It's particularly important to remember this rule when it comes to forming Russian adjectives.

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